Nahum Strickland

Composition - Orchestration - Education


Nahum Strickland is a British musician with over twenty years of experience composing a vast range of styles. Educated in composition from an early age, he wrote his first commission aged just ten, from there he went on to win the Young Musicians of the Gulf award for composition at age fourteen. Carrying on his musical career, he received a Masters in Composition from the Royal College of Music. 

His approach to composition is remarkable

The Guardian, 2021

Nahum has scored award-winning short films in addition to concert pieces which range from large-scale orchestral works to chamber music and solo piano. He draws inspiration from English Pastoral composers such as Vaughan Williams and Gustav Holst, and romantic composers such as Chopin and Rimsky-Korsakov.

A Pastoral Paradise

Nahum lives in Dorset, UK, and incorporates both folk and romantic influences to evoke a sense of the world around him into his compositions. His experience with film music also leads him to build a sound-world within his pieces that is characterful and full of life. His personal compositional style is quintessentially English Pastoral – lush harmonies, storytelling, and charm.


Innocence and Fragility (From the Short Film “She Is An Egg”
Oscar’s Lament
My Robin is to The Greenwood Gone

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